2. Main Impact Studies – Media Surveys Cobra (+) Correct Brand Attribution - Client: Clear Channel - Cobra: Outdoor Impact Barometer (posttest) - Cobra + : Outdoor Impact Barometer (pré- and posttest) - Analysed items : Ad recognition, Ad attribution, Qualitative perception of tested advertisements - Since 1979 (from 2008 CAWI-methodology) - N= +/- 350 individuals (FR + NL), aged 15 to 64 living in Antwerp, Gent, Brussels (Flemish and French), Charleroi and Liege - - - Frequency : 13 times / year Fieldwork carried out by IPSOS Belgium Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet) I-Check BOA Brand Outdoor Attribution - Client: JCDecaux - Outdoor Impact Barometer - Analysed items : Ad recognition, Ad attribution, Qualitative perception of tested advertisements - Since 2008 - N= 350 individuals (FR + NL), aged 15+ yo going to the 5 big centers every 2 weeks (inhabitants and noninhabitants) - - - Frequency: every month Fieldwork carried out by Research & Solution Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet) 190 Pagina 187

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