2. Main Impact Studies – Media Surveys Impact barometer Dailies/magazines/online Client: De Persgroep - Dailies-, magazines and online Impact Barometer - Analysed items : Ad recognition, Ad attribution, Qualitative perception of tested advertisements - Since 1986 for dailies, Since 2007 for magazines - N= 200 readers of De Persgroep-paper (NL) from 2012 on (Before N = 100) - N= 200 (Dag Allemaal) to 500 (Nina – Goed Gevoel) readers of De Persgroep-magazines (NL) - N= 250 visitors of De Persgroep-websites (NL) - Fieldwork carried out by Research Solution - CAWI-methodology (internet) from 2012 on (Before: Interviewed via CAPI-methodology) Stopwatch - Previous Via Fred Barometer (for ‘dailies’) - Client: Sanoma - magazine Impact Barometer - Analysed items : ad recognition, ad attribution, qualitative perception of tested advertisements, impact on attitude - More than 15 years history - N = 100 readers of Sanoma-magazine (NL + FR) - - - Frequency : 17 tests a year Fieldwork carried out by GfK Interviewed via CAWI-methodology (internet) 188 Pagina 185
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