Main Buying Stipulations 2014 – RMB 5. Media Cost – Television Channels Commitment La Une, La Deux, BeTV (AB3, La Trois, Voo Foot) RMB Commitment Volume bonus : 0.25% to 5.75% Growth bonus : 0.5 to 4.5% Early bonus: 5 to 10% on Jan.-Feb. (if growth vs Jan-Feb.'09 or new in Jan-Feb.'10) Summer bonus (07/06-08/08) : 10% (if investment of 13' is the same of more as in 07/0608/08/12') or 5% (if advertiser wasn't active in this period in 12') Premium Welcome bonus : +20% La1, La 2; +30% BeTV; +25% to 35% AB3 Car Fair bonus (01/01-31/01) : 5% Open Door (car)-bonus: 5% New product bonus : 10% to 20% La 1, La 2; AB3 +20% Beverage bonus : 50% Packages Vollenback, C/ GRP nex currency, C/ GRP RTBF sport, C/ GRP Garantis, Family box, package BeTV, package VooFoot, women package (June) Thematic channels (BeTv) Volume bonus : +1% to 7,5% La 1, La 2, BeTV Volume bonus : +1% to 10% AB3 Growth bonus : +0,75% to 4,5% La 1, La 2, BeTV Growth bonus : +1% to 27% AB3 Loyalty bonus : +1,5% La 1, La 2, BeTV Loyalty bonus : +2% to 10% AB3 Rebates Surcharges Movie : -30% La 1, La 2, AB3; -15% BeTV DVD : -15% Split broadcasting : sum of 2 duration indexes - 10% Preferential position : +10% Non-argued quotation : +15% (1), +30% (2-4 max) URL argued quotation : +15% URL quotation : 0% Co-branding : +20% to +30% 94 Pagina 91

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