2. Media Profile - Digital Top 20 internet usage - Total 12+ surfers Send and receive emails Routes and road maps on the internet News on internet Zap on the internet Information about products on the internet View information on social networks View / post videos on the internet Share personal information on social networks Downloadable editions of newspapers and magazines on the internet Live communicate Tickets for cultural activity on the Internet Download free software programs or applications Real estate listings on the internet Download free music Economic and financial information on the Internet Radio on the internet Purchase journeys or holidays on the internet Play online on the internet Call via internet Download free movies and videos 39,0% 38,2% 37,4% 36,7% 34,8% 30,8% 30,6% 29,1% 28,7% Source : CIM TGM 2013 Source: CIM PMP 08/09 63,3% 63,1% 60,3% 58,6% 51,2% 50,9% 48,6% 43,5% 73,1% 72,9% 90,3% Pagina 138
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