1. Basic Data – Key Facts Demography Total population* In Flanders* In Wallonia* In Brussels (Capital Region)* Number of households** Number of persons per household** Total population aged 12 & over (CIM) In Flanders In Wallonia In Brussels (Nielsen III) Nielsen Regions I II III IV V 11 099 554 inhabitants 6 381 859 inhabitants (57.5%) 3 563 060 inhabitants (32.1%) 1 154 635 inhabitants (10.4%) 4 656 376 households 2.33 persons / household 9 521 809 individuals 5 341 456 individuals (56.1%) 3 044 646 individuals (32.0%) 1 135 706 individuals (11.9%) Population 12+ 2 293 385 3 048 071 1 135 706 1 465 971 1 578 675 in % 24.1 % 32.0 % 11.9 % 15.4 % 16.6 % Source : statbel.fgov.be - CIM 2013 * 2013 data ** 2010 data 5 Pagina 2

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